PROFILE - Jacinda Ardern Leadership Style

PROFILE - Jacinda Ardern Leadership Style
Jacinda Ardern Leadership Style

Unveiling the curtain to the world stage, we find Jacinda Ardern standing tall as New Zealand’s Prime Minister. A beacon of empathy and strength, she has redefined leadership with her unique blend of compassion and resolve, known as the “Jacinda Ardern leadership style”.

From navigating crises to implementing progressive policies and advocating for women’s rights, her tenure has left an indelible mark on New Zealand’s political landscape. Let’s embark on this journey to uncover the inspiring story of Ardern’s leadership and her lasting legacy.

Key Takeaways

  • Jacinda Ardern’s empathetic leadership has inspired unity and resilience in times of crisis.
  • Her diplomatic acumen, advocacy for women’s rights, and commitment to collaboration have had a positive impact on New Zealand politics.
  • She continues to be an inspiring role model through her dual fellowships at Harvard Kennedy School studying online extremism.

Empathetic Leadership in Times of Crisis

Jacinda Ardern Leadership

True leaders reveal their character in adversity. Jacinda Ardern, exemplifying warmth, empathy and kindness, emerged as a source of hope during crises. Her tenure as jacinda ardern prime minister was punctuated with formidable events, each a test of the nation’s resilience. Yet, it was in these pressured moments that Ardern’s leadership truly blossomed, demonstrating an extraordinary blend of humanity and resolve.

Whether dealing with the Christchurch terrorist attack, the White Island volcano eruption, or the COVID-19 pandemic, Ardern’s empathetic leadership served as a robust pillar, fostering unity in New Zealand and globally.

Handling of the Christchurch Terrorist Attack

The Christchurch terrorist attack in 2019 shook New Zealand to its core. However, in the face of such adversity, Ardern emerged as a beacon of hope and unity. Responding swiftly, she held a press conference to deliver a message that would bring her country’s citizens together, igniting a spark of unity against hatred. Her leadership didn’t stop there. Ardern took immediate action to implement tighter gun laws across New Zealand, demonstrating courage and determination.

Her empathy resonated with the world, earning her international acclaim. Images of Ardern embracing a Muslim woman, her face adorned with a headscarf in solidarity, became a symbol of her compassionate leadership within the Muslim community. Further, her swift action to pass laws banning the deadliest types of semi-automatic weapons won her praise from leaders worldwide, including the Canadian Prime Minister. And so, in the face of a brutal terrorist attack, Ardern’s leadership shone, demonstrating that empathy is indeed a strength.

Leadership During Natural Disasters

Mother Nature can be ruthless, and during Ardern’s tenure, New Zealand faced its fair share of natural disasters. Yet, it was in these moments of crisis that Ardern’s empathetic leadership shone once again. The White Island volcano eruption stands as a testament to her ability to connect with those affected, guiding her nation through the tragedy with heartfelt condolences and decisive action.

Ardern’s response to the crisis included:

  • Expressing genuine care for the well-being of those affected
  • Taking decisive action to tackle the challenges they faced
  • Coordinating rescue efforts effectively
  • Managing the crisis with compassion and effectiveness

Her response was a great source of comfort and reassurance during the difficult time and further reinforced Ardern’s reputation as a dependable and caring leader.

If there is one event that has tested world leaders, it is undoubtedly the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, amidst the global crisis, Ardern’s leadership stood out as a world leader. Her approach was proactive and decisive. As early as mid-March, she halted foreign visitation to New Zealand and imposed a strict nationwide lockdown when only a few cases of COVID-19 had been confirmed.

Ardern’s approach to the pandemic was lauded both domestically and internationally. Her government’s efficient and transparent handling of the crisis, along with the successful minimizing of deaths, demonstrated model leadership. These efforts earned Ardern overwhelming support from New Zealanders, with a recent poll indicating that almost 92% of respondents supported the measures she implemented. Thus, in the face of a global pandemic, Ardern’s leadership was a beacon of strength and resilience.

Progressive Policies Under Ardern's Government

Jacinda Ardern Progressive

Alongside her empathetic leadership, Ardern was also known for her progressive policies. A strong advocate for social justice and sustainability, she implemented a myriad of initiatives to address these issues. Ardern’s progressive policies, targeting child poverty reduction, climate change action, and environmental conservation, mirrored her dedication to shaping an improved future for all New Zealanders.

Child Poverty Reduction Initiatives

One of Ardern’s key areas of focus was child poverty reduction. She set an ambitious goal to cut child poverty in New Zealand in half over the next decade. To this end, her government implemented the following measures:

  • The $5.5 billion Families Package, providing increased financial support for low-income families
  • Measures to combat predatory lending
  • The Child Poverty Reduction Bill

These initiatives were aimed at addressing the issue of child poverty and improving the well-being of families in New Zealand.

These initiatives paid off, as they led to a notable reduction in child poverty in New Zealand. In 2020, the number of children living in poverty decreased, a testament to the effectiveness of Ardern’s initiatives. Thus, through her dedicated efforts, Ardern has made significant strides in reducing child poverty in New Zealand.

Climate Action and Environmental Stewardship

Climate action and environmental stewardship were other key areas of focus for Ardern. Recognizing the urgent need for action on climate change, she made a commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025. Ardern’s passion for climate action was reflected in her policy decisions, such as banning single-use plastic bags and promoting renewable energy.

Ardern’s leadership in climate action earned global recognition, with climate activist Greta Thunberg commending her efforts. She also highlighted the need for collective action to combat the climate crisis in her speeches at the United Nations. Through her commitment to climate action and environmental stewardship, Ardern has proven herself to be a leader not just for New Zealand, but for the world.

Ardern's Approach to Governance

Ardern’s approach to governance was marked by her ability to:

  • Unite different political factions
  • Build consensus
  • Form a majority government
  • Foster positive relations with diverse political parties

This demonstrates her diplomatic skills and commitment to collaboration within the international union.

Forming a Majority Government

Ardern’s leadership led to a landslide victory in the 2020 general election, securing a majority government for her Labour Party. As the labour leader, her impressive leadership, effective communication, and successful handling of the COVID-19 pandemic were key aspects of her campaign that resonated with voters.

Ardern seized the opportunity of forming a majority government - a feat no party had accomplished since the adoption of the mixed-member proportional electoral system in 1996. She led the Zealand Labour Party, also known as the New Zealand Labour Party, to a landslide victory, establishing a new era of success for the party.

Coalition and Consensus Building

Ardern’s ability to build consensus among diverse political parties was another hallmark of her leadership. She showed great skill in negotiation and compromise, forming a three-party coalition government that included the Labour Party, the New Zealand First Party, and the Green Party.

Her leadership style as a female prime minister emphasized consensus building and finding common ground among different parties. She was able to bring together different political parties and gain their support, securing a majority in parliament and enabling her to pass significant policy changes.

Hence, with her diplomatic acumen and dedication to collaboration, Ardern has made a lasting impact on New Zealand’s political scene.

Ardern as a Role Model for Women

Beyond politics, Ardern has served as a role model for women around the world. She has shown that it is possible to balance the responsibilities of motherhood with the pressures of leading a nation. Her advocacy for women’s rights and her commitment to promoting gender equality have made her an inspiration to many.

Motherhood While Leading a Nation

Ardern made history as the first head of government to give birth while in office since Benazir Bhutto, and the world’s first leader to take maternity leave. She masterfully managed her duties as Prime Minister while on maternity leave, taking six weeks off after giving birth to her daughter. Ardern’s decision was celebrated as a significant milestone, and she was applauded for her commitment to successfully balancing her responsibilities as a leader and a mother.

Besides managing these responsibilities, she leveraged her position to advocate for paid parental leave policies. Her government passed a bill to extend paid parental leave from 18 to 22 weeks, demonstrating her commitment to supporting parents and families.

Advocacy for Women's Rights

Ardern’s advocacy for women’s rights is well-recognized. She has taken proactive steps to promote gender equality, including:

  • Lifting the minimum wage
  • Working towards pay equity
  • Reducing the gender pay gap
  • Encouraging flexible work

Ardern has also championed reproductive rights, staunchly defending the need for abortion law reform and expressing her commitment to decriminalizing abortion in New Zealand. She also took the step of providing free sanitary products in schools, an initiative that not only addresses period poverty but also promotes gender equality.

Hence, with her endorsement of women’s rights, Ardern has elevated gender equality and empowered women not just in New Zealand, but globally.

International Presence and Diplomacy

Ardern’s leadership had an impact beyond New Zealand’s geographical boundaries. Her international presence and diplomacy were marked by powerful speeches to the United Nations and successful relations with international counterparts. Whether addressing world leaders or negotiating with international counterparts, Ardern’s commitment to diplomacy and collaboration was evident.

Addressing the United Nations

Ardern’s addresses to the United Nations General Assembly were powerful and inspiring. She used the platform to advocate for kindness over fear, accountability, and collectivism. She also called on world leaders to tackle rising inequality and make international trade more open and inclusive.

In her speeches, Ardern also highlighted the importance of tackling climate change and achieving sustainable development goals. She emphasized the urgency of addressing climate change and her optimism about achieving these goals. These speeches exemplified her progressive values and commitment to global cooperation.

Relations with International Counterparts

Ardern’s diplomatic relations with international leaders showcased her ability to:

  • Navigate complex global issues
  • Promote New Zealand’s interests
  • Establish personal connections
  • Encourage diplomacy and dialogue
  • Champion shared values

She successfully promoted New Zealand’s interests as New Zealand’s Prime Minister by:

  • Showcasing a new style of leadership
  • Attending international summits and meetings with enthusiasm
  • Emphasizing the country’s independent foreign policy with pride

Through her diplomatic skills and commitment to collaboration, Ardern has left a lasting impact on international relations.

Legacy and Impact on New Zealand Politics

Ardern’s tenure as Prime Minister has indeed created a lasting legacy in New Zealand politics. Her empathetic leadership, progressive policies, and commitment to women’s rights have significantly shifted public opinion, setting her apart from the former prime minister.

While her resignation marked the end of an era, the impact of her leadership continues to be felt in New Zealand’s political landscape.

Shifts in Public Opinion

Ardern’s leadership resulted in notable changes in public opinion. Her empathetic leadership, particularly during times of crisis, resonated with the public, leading to widespread support and admiration. Her decisive and empathetic approach, particularly during the Christchurch terrorist attack and the COVID-19 pandemic, won her a glowing reputation as a compassionate and effective leader.

Ardern’s progressive policies also resonated with many New Zealanders. Her focus on reducing child poverty, taking action on climate change, and preserving the environment won her widespread support. These shifts in public opinion are a testament to Ardern’s successful leadership and her ability to resonate with a wide range of voters.

Ardern's Resignation and Its Aftermath

Ardern’s resignation marked the end of an era in New Zealand politics. Yet, her impact on the nation’s political landscape continues to be felt. Her leadership, marked by empathy and strength, has made a lasting impression on New Zealand’s political scene.

In the aftermath of her resignation, Ardern took up dual fellowships at Harvard Kennedy School, where she will share and learn leadership and governance skills. Despite stepping down from her role as Prime Minister, Ardern continues to contribute to society by focusing on the study of online extremism. Her actions serve as a testament to her commitment to creating a better future for all.


In the face of adversity, Jacinda Ardern has shown the world what leadership truly means. Her empathetic leadership, progressive policies, and advocacy for women’s rights have left a lasting impact on New Zealand and the world. From navigating crises to advocating for gender equality and tackling climate change, Ardern’s legacy will continue to inspire generations to come. Her story is a testament to the power of empathy, compassion, and resilience in leadership.

Frequently Asked Questions

What nationality is Jacinda Ardern?

Jacinda Ardern is a New Zealand politician and former prime minister who was born in Hamilton, New Zealand. She graduated from the University of Waikato with a Bachelor of Communication Studies in Politics and Public Relations and became the youngest prime minister of New Zealand in 150 years when she assumed office in 2017.

What is New Zealand leaders?

New Zealand is currently led by Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, leader of the National Party, who took office in November 2023.

Who succeeds Jacinda Ardern?

Chris Hipkins has been confirmed as the next Prime Minister of New Zealand, succeeding Jacinda Ardern after she resigned on Thursday. He received unanimous support from Labour Party lawmakers and will be officially sworn in to his new role on Wednesday.

How has Jacinda Ardern's leadership impacted New Zealand?

Jacinda Ardern's leadership has had a profoundly positive impact on New Zealand, transforming public opinion through her empathy, progressive policies, and advocacy for women's rights.

What were some of Ardern's main achievements during her tenure?

Jacinda Ardern's main achievements include providing strong leadership during crises, significantly reducing child poverty and advocating for bold climate action.